Evangelism Explosion Training

Join Arco Baptist Church in
EVANGELISM EXPLOSION – “Everyday Evangelism Training”.

Monday, August 5th, 2024 @ 6:00 – 7 :00 PM
Training will be six one-hour Seminar Sessions
with on-the-job training multiplication to train others.

Monday evenings 6PM – 7PM (6 Weeks)

EE Vision:
“Equipping EVERY people group, And EVERY age group,
to witness to EVERY person,
till EVERYONE hears, in EVERY nation.”

EE Mission:
The six (6) one hour “Everyday Evangelism” teaching
and training seminar sessions will effectively equip a Believer
to share the “Power of the Gospel” in their sphere of influence
with any person anywhere any time to be Saved.


To attend the six (6) Monday
one-hour “Everyday Evangelism” Seminar Sessions,
please call or text (912) 222-0181 or
email Mike Hendrix at joehendrix50@gmail.com

·Material Fee is $10.00 due August 5, 2024, at the Church

For questions, contact Pastor Hendrix at the number listed above
or Ivan Strickland at Arco Baptist Church.

·Upon completion, you will receive an EE Certificate, pin,
and possibly two accredited elective college hours.

·The instructor will be W. David Ring B. Ed, M. Th,
Ordained SBC NAMB Endorsed Chaplain, Substance Abuse Intervention Counselor,
Prison Chaplain, and an Evangelism Explosion teacher / trainer.