SPLOST Open House 3

Camden County residents are encouraged to
attend the upcoming Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) Open Houses ahead of
the March 18, 2025, referendum.
The SPLOST Open Houses are a relaxed, drop-in event modeled after school open houses. This
information fair is an opportunity for Camden County voters to learn more about SPLOST IX
projects and how SPLOST has impacted our community in the past.
At the Open House, participants will be able to visit booths hosed by the cities, county, Joint
Development Authority (JDA), Camden County Fire Rescue, Camden County Sheriff’s Office, and
the Public Service Authority (PSA). Representatives will be available to share how SPLOST funds
have been used in the past and how they could be used in the future if approved. Participants will
have the chance for one-on-one conversations, to ask questions, and to clear any
Each Open House will be from 5:00 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. at the following dates and locations:

• March 11, 2025 – Woodbine Opry, 205 Camden Avenue, Woodbine

More information about SPLOST IX projects and these events are available on the Camden
County website at: camdencountyga.gov/SPLOST.