More Than Meets The Ear
Truly we are more than a radio station, ministering to individuals and families of all ages and positions in life. not only on the air but with various in person opportunities at The Rock Ministry Center. The Rock Ministry Center on The Lighthouse Campus has been the home to community ministry for over 20 years. We received the donation of the first portable classroom building in 2002 for The Rock Youth Bible Study. Having the building opened the door for more ministry opportunities including a young adult gathering called HeBrews with a coffee house themed meeting for fellowship and discipleship. It was few years later that a second portable classroom building was acquired and the kitchen and bathrooms were added in between creating an even greater ministry opportunity. Though the offerings have changed through the years The Rock Ministry Center remains a viable and continued life spring of ministry to our community.
Weekly on Tuesdays, The Ladies Bible Study meets at 6PM. The Ladies Bible Study is the oldest campus ministry that originally started meeting inside the Lighthouse broadcast building in its early years. They typically use a video based study with teachers like Priscilla Shirer, Andy Stanley, Beth Moore, and Dr. Tony Evans.
Tuesday mornings at 11 AM we host intercessory prayer and everyone is invited to come pray for the ministry of The Lighthouse, our nation, state, and local community and even receive prayer for themselves.
Cub Scout Pack 893 was chartered by The Lighthouse in 2019 and they have weekly meetings on Sundays & Mondays.
The local Fellowship of Christian Athletes of Camden and Charlton utilize the centrally located facility for their monthly board meetings.
The Rock Ministry Center is the focus of some new advancements in ministry efforts so be on the look out for forthcoming announcements.

20th Anniversary Celebration of The Lighthouse WECC FM 89.3